
Upcoming Live Webinars

Mastering Change Leadership: Essential Strategies for Today’s Business Landscape
 • Stay ahead of the curve. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to anticipate, manage and lead change effectively.
• Comprehensive framework. Gain a deep understanding of change leadership principles and frameworks to effectively guide your team through transitions.
• Real-world case studies. Learn from real-world examples of successful change initiatives and understand the strategies that made them work.
• Practical tools. Walk away with actionable tools and techniques that you can implement immediately to drive positive change within your organization.
• Change resistance strategies. Discover effective methods to overcome resistance to change and foster a culture of adaptability and innovation.
• Leadership resilience. Develop the resilience needed to lead through challenging times and ensure sustained success for your team and organization.  ...Read More
Workplace Detox: How to (Legally) Deal with Toxic Employees
 • Identifying and managing toxic employees. Learn the 8 types of toxic employees, and strategies to manage each one effectively.
• Delivering constructive feedback. How to give specific, legally safe feedback, including tips for remote workers.
• Documentation best practices. Master the ABCs of performance documentation: accurate, behavior-based and consistent records that protect you legally.
• Navigating tough conversations. Use sample phrases and statements to handle difficult face-to-face meetings with confidence.
• Crafting performance improvement plans (PIPs). Learn how to develop efficient and legally sound PIPs that guide employees toward improvement.
• Guidelines for managing behavior. 10 do’s and don’ts for managing employee behavior, including why you shouldn’t “practice psychiatry” or “practice law” as a manager.
• Making the termination decision. 8 critical questions to consider before deciding to terminate an employee.
• Conducting termination meetings. Follow 10 steps to ensure low-stress termination meetings that minimize the risk of lawsuits.  ...Read More
When Tempers Flare: Managing Conflict in a Divided Workplace
 • Proactive conflict management. Learn strategies to anticipate and manage conflicts or incivility arising from differing political and social viewpoints within the workplace.
• Setting clear ground rules. Establish effective ground rules that prevent emotional outbursts at work and outline clear, enforceable consequences for violations.
• Coaching for self-regulation. Equip employees with the skills to manage their emotions and maintain professionalism through self-regulation and appropriate filters.
• Maintaining organizational neutrality. Develop communication strategies to ensure that your organization remains neutral and upholds respectful behavior, regardless of political outcomes.
• Addressing political concerns. Explore methods for addressing employee concerns about political discussions at work, including setting boundaries and explaining the potential impact on business operations.
• Guidance on sensitive topics. Provide employees with clear guidelines on which topics to avoid and how to apply workplace-appropriate filters during discussions.  ...Read More
Leading Hybrid Teams: Bridging the Gap Between Remote and In-Office Employees
 • Engage team members. Master the strategies you need to engage team members no matter where they’re located.
• Make expectations clear. Learn how to set clear expectations for employees in any working situation.
• Structure in-office and work-from-home days differently. Learn which activities are best done in-office and which should be left for work-from-home days.
• Adjust your leadership style based on need. Learn different strategies to apply to individual employees, as well as the larger team, to maximize results.
• How to build trust. Learn how to build trust with your employees, even when working remotely, and why this is crucial to your organization’s success.  ...Read More
Retaliation Claims: Protect Your Company from the #1 Employment Law Risk
 • Identifying illegal retaliation. Discover what actions are considered illegal retaliation — there’s more to it than you might think.
• Proving retaliation. Learn the key elements workers need to demonstrate to prove they were retaliated against.
• Preventing managerial retaliation. Get strategies to protect your organization from rogue managers who may punish employees for filing complaints.
• Case studies and avoiding legal pitfalls. Explore real-world examples of retaliation cases and learn how to protect your company from ending up in court.
• Essential documentation strategies. Implement documentation practices that can shield your company in the event of a retaliation claim.
• Conducting effective investigations. Discover best practices for investigating claims of unfair treatment and ensuring thorough, impartial investigations.
• Justifying employment decisions post-complaint. Learn how to properly justify demotions, transfers and terminations after dismissing a discrimination complaint.  ...Read More